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Organisational Design

Thrive in the new world of work. Move toward an organisational model that embraces self-leadership, purpose-driven collaboration, and empowerment in the workplace.

Change the way your people work

Improve every area of the business

Thrive in the new world of work

Designed and delivered with your people

Organisations move through stages – just like people.

In the New World of Work philosophy, there are five stages of evolution; Red, Amber, Orange, Green, and Teal. The Red stage has a top-down, authoritarian structure, while Teal, the most advanced stage, emphasises purpose, strong self-leadership and distributed networks.

Most organisations today sit in the Orange category. Progressing to Green and Teal requires a total mindset shift for all leaders.

Walk away with…

Improvement across the board

Including structure, culture, practices, processes, meetings, decision-making, learning and more.

A self-sustaining workplace design

Embrace a design centred around purpose, wellbeing, transparency, sustainable practice and quality.

Self-leading empowered people

Take initial steps toward fully trained and empowered people, taking ownership of their projects and work.

The journey.

There are four quadrants and more than 20 subsets in the New World of Work model.

Let’s map where you are and explore them.

Six sessions

We support you through every part of the New World of Work model.

We dive into all quadrants with you and your people, advising, coaching and helping you to achieve your vision. We begin and end with an insights and reflection process to ensure we all get it right.

Advisory and planning

We share our expertise to help you become the best organisation possible.

Modern People work with organisations across all sectors and geographies. We also live, breathe and pilot the most progressive practices, working with researchers and scholars along the way.

Scoping and creating

The journey to becoming a Green or Teal organisation is filled with opportunities.

When we advise a business undergoing transformation, we often become an active part of your co-creation process. We take this as it comes.

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