How to Work Remotely with Purpose: 8 Easy Steps

With offices across Australia encouraging their staff to work from home, the usual ‘9-5’ office day has dramatically changed, and this change in environment has the potential to impact not only productivity and engagement, but also creates a general lack of human connection which may lead to Mental Health issues if not managed effectively.

Here are our helpful tips on how to work remotely with Purpose and make that transition as effective as possible:

1.   Continue your morning routine as you normally would.

Routines create security so getting dressed as you normally would and following your usual daily morning routines can be helpful.

2.  Use your usual commute time for something meaningful. 

You’ve effectively gained an extra 1-2 hours per day in commute time so what a great opportunity to use this time to promote your Health & Wellbeing. Go for a walk, read an article or book or maybe take up a creative hobby you’ve always wanted to try?

3.  Commit to a specific workspace

Setting up your place of work from home in not only an ergonomic way, but with an outlook that can inspire and create positive emotions is a great way to remain focused and feel energised while you’re ‘at work’. Plants may wonderful companions as does beautiful images or pieces of art.

4.     Keep on task

Creating a daily schedule of tasks is important to maintain productivity. It’s time to update your ‘to do list’ to an online app or productivity program. There are many to choose from, some examples: Todoist, Wunderlist, Google Tasks and countless others where you can tick off the tasks as you go and really feel that sense of accomplishment at the end of each day. 

5.   Keep to a time schedule

Have you ever looked at the time and wondered where the last 2 hours have gone? Productivity apps are a great way to monitor how much time you are spending on each task. There may be useless hours spent on menial tasks that don’t achieve an outcome. Try Pomodoro, Trello or Toggl.

6.   Stay connected with your team

Utilise the online platforms your company has to offer whether it be internal messaging or work groups. There’s way’s of staying connected in VC format such as FaceTime, Zoom, Facebook Workplace. Talk through your challenges or dial in and share some encouragement to your fellow team members. Support in times of isolation is more important now than ever.

7.     Create boundaries and expectations with the people you live with

If you’re in a household where there are multiple people working from home, creating some clear and concise boundaries is a great way to ensure the flow of the day is as seamless as possible. Perhaps you have sections of the house each, separate bathrooms or if this isn’t possible, can you set up outside from the laptop for a couple of hours to break up the day. Be creative, try and utilise spaces in the home you haven’t thought to yet.

8.     Create a new way of working!

We work with organisations to design a unique meeting rhythm and workflow for their teams, whether you’re working in the office, on site, from home, or have a hybrid approach. Get in touch to have chat about making your way of working seamless!

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