It’s Time for your Regular Culture Pulse Check

How’s your culture tracking?

Now is the perfect time to reflect on what worked well within your business empowering your people to thrive, and to reflect on any areas you’re stuck in survival mode.

Put a finger on the pulse of your organisation’s culture.

Do the beats of your work-life culture feel synchronised to your organisations Purpose, values, vision and missions?

Do your people feel connected in harmony with the set tone of your culture?

Does each individual's heart hum in tune between their personal purpose & work purpose?

According to the current World Happiness Report, worry and stress levels worldwide have risen by 8% in 2020 and by 4% in 2021 as compared with pre-pandemic levels.

These negative affects are mirrored in our people, but as introspectively noted by the World Happiness Report findings:

Populations do not experience happiness; individuals do. No matter the extent to which shared or collective undertakings, experiences, or even identities contribute to happiness, it is ultimately individual brains that experience and report satisfaction, joy, or their absence or opposites.

In other words, when people feel like they matter, that they are a significant part of the world around them, that they are noticed, affirmed and needed right now - they feel valued and that they are adding value.

When someone feels replaceable, they act replaceable.

“Don't put off improving culture because your organisation is "busy," "under pressure," or "short-staffed.

Invest in your culture precisely because you're busy, under pressure, or short-staffed.

Great cultures aren't built despite tough times; they're made for tough times.”

*Quotes by the Godfather of Mattering and our dear friend, Zach Mercurio Ph.D.

Offerings in this article:


Ticking Items off the World’s To-Do List


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