Antigoals: A fresh take on goal-setting

A couple of years ago, Andrew Wilkinson, the co-founder of Tiny Capital (a tech venture investment company), found he was unhappy with the way his work life was running.

His solution was antigoals.

 His days were packed with endless meetings, demanding to-do lists and he was in a cycle of working with completely misaligned people. He felt out of control. 

As he began to set new goals to make some major changes, he stumbled upon the concept of inversion; the idea that the best way to solve a problem is to reverse it. Rather than focusing on what his ideal life would look like, he imagined his worst day possible. From there he came up with a few Antigoals; things that would allow him to avoid this from ever happening. 

For example: 
The worst possible day is completely packed with long meetings.

Here were Andrew's Antigoals: 

  • Never schedule meetings that can be accomplished through an email or phone

  • Never schedule a meeting within an hour of another.

  • Never skip a meal to go to a meeting.

After a fractured work week, it’s the perfect time to take a breather and reflect on all the aspects of life you'd like to make a change in. It's time to plant new seeds and set some antigoals. 

An alternative to SMART goals.  

 A great goal strikes the perfect balance between ambitious and achievable. A great goal should help you GROW. Here's a goal setting method we love. 

  1. Establish the goal

    1. What does achieving this make possible? 

    2. Why do I want to achieve this goal? 

    3. Does this goal fit in with my overall long term vision?

  2. Identify your reality.

    1. Is where you are currently in alignment with this goal? 

    2. Have you already taken any steps towards this?

    3. Does this goal conflict with any other goals?  

  3. Explore your options

    1. What else could you be doing to achieve this?

    2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each option?

    3. What do you need to stop doing in order to achieve this goal?

    4. Do any obstacles stand in your way?

  4. Create your will

    1. What will you do now, and when? 

    2. How will you overcome any blockages?

    3. How can you keep yourself motivated?

    4. When do you need to review progress?

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