Take Your Values OFF the Wall

Take your Values OFF the Wall

Not necessarily in a literal sense, but how are you embedding your values in the day-to-day?

Company values can easily be perceived as tokenistic and top down, viewed as shallow marketing material, or understood as the responsibility of only the Human Resources team.

Check yourself.

Bringing to life your values requires a solid foundation. Outdated, non-specific, and non-inclusive values will not serve you in the new world of work.

If your values look like this, it’s time for a re-design.

So, what does GREAT look like?

  • Great values show what alignment, and misalignment looks like

  • Great values spark conversations and storytelling

  • Great values create boundaries and principles that are followed both internally and externally

  • Great values are verbs, actionable and measurable

  • Great values are followed by clear behaviours that provide depth and explanation

  • Great values capture the language of your people and your stakeholders

  • Great values apply to everyone, at every level, across your value chain

  • Great values replace the need for KPI’s, accounting for People, Planet, Performance and Purpose

  • Great values bring people together, and pave the way to a brighter future

Why do values matter?

Values that reflect your people, and people that align to your values, help you to thrive.

1. Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Reduced Stress

Alignment of values between individuals and organisations results in improved organisational commitment and job satisfaction (Kristof-Brown et al., 2005) and reduced employee stress (Siu, 2003).

2. Cohesion and Productivity

Recruiting candidates who share values with their colleagues contributes to workplace cohesion and productivity (Edwards & Cable, 2009).

3. Establishing, Developing and Embedding Culture

Values alignment is important for establishing, developing, and embedding organisational culture and for the successful achievement of organisational change (e.g., Branson, 2008).

4. Job Redesign + Performance

Awareness of the strength of organisational values such as autonomy and variety might help inform job redesign interventions, which in turn influence attitudinal, behavioural, and performance outcomes such as commitment, engagement, and performance (Humphrey et al., 2007).

5. Responsible Action + Meaningful Work

The recognition, promotion, and actioning of values concerned with social justice and environmental sustainability might help organisations meet corporate responsibility expectations and, in turn, influence employee experiences of meaningful work, perceived organisational support, and organisational commitment (Kim et al., 2018).

How can we help?

Our approach at Modern People starts with an organisation wide Values Assessment, showing you what matters most to your people.

From there, we co-design what GREAT looks like for you, aligning to best practice principles and the latest research in performance, alignment, retention and culture.

You walk away with Values that can be scaled, embedded and embraced by your people.

Is this the next strategic step for you business? Reach out to Modern People to explore.

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