From Structure to Strategy: Work Advisory meets Organisational Design

In our initial discussions with leadership teams, two concepts often play starring roles: work advisory, and organisational design.

Collectively, they hold the keys to transforming organisations that are not only leaders in their industry, but also purpose-led, and full of heart. This article explores what each of these disciplines are, and how they work together to shape the new world of work. Let’s dive in.

What is Work Advisory, anyway?

The simplest way to make the distinction is by imagining a soccer team. Every player has a unique role, and they all work together to win the game.

Work Advisory is like the coach of the team. They're on the sidelines, watching how the players interact and helping them cooperate and communicate. They keep motivation high, encourage teamwork, and make sure everyone is challenged and supported to play their best.

And Organisational Design?

Organisational Design is the ‘game plan’ or playbook. It's the strategy that sets up where each player will be on the field, what position they play, and how they work with others. It makes sure everyone knows their role and how to work together to score goals.

What are the key differences?

Work Advisory: Focuses on communication, motivation, and collaboration.

Organisational Design: Concentrates on structure, roles, and a systematic approach.

They're different but work best when paired together, like Sam Kerr and Mackenzie Arnold!

Why do we embrace both in our work?

At Modern People, we embrace both concepts.

Our approach to organisational design begins with New World of Work Advisory. Together, we work with you to gather insights, co-design the strategy, and begin a stepped approach to designing your purpose-and-values led organisation.

However, not everyone wants a full-scale organisational transformation, and we always meet you where you are. That’s why our offerings include things like culture insights, culture design, New World ESG advisory, leadership coaching, business coaching and more.

To start your journey, reach out to our team.

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